All You Need to Know About Virginia Sexual Laws

Are you accused of any false/bogus sexual Assault in Virginia? It is important for any accused person to understand Virginia sexual assault laws and punishment in order to fight against it. Virginia treats sexual offenses under their code title 18.2 which covers “Crimes and Offenses Generally”. Furthermore the title comes under the fourth chapter “crimes against the person” covering all the sections from 18.2-61 till 18.2-10.

Virginia Law defines sexual crime as ‘any sexual act with a person attempted without their consent’. Generally, it is assumed that sexual offenses cover only those acts in which physical contact has been made, however, it is not always true. Sexual acts also includes indecent genital exposure or exposure of genitals in front of minors. Therefore, it is important for a person to understand Virginia sexual Assault Laws & punishments.

Different types of Sexual Assault in Virginia

In Virginia Sexual laws and punishments are divided into two different categories:

  1. Sexual Offense
  2. Sexual violent offense

Sexual offenses are less serious than the other sexual categories, however, as all the sexual offenses are considered to be serious criminal offenses, the guilty accuser is still subjected to heavy penalties and imprisonment.

Sexual violent offenses are more serious than other criminal offenses and they convey harsh punishments along with imprisonment. These acts includes rape, abduction, sexual penetration with an object, forcible sodomy, aggravated sexual battery, or involving a minor in any indecent sexual activity.

Possible Punishments of Sexual Abuse

In Virginia sexual assault and punishment varies with the severity of the crime. These punishment included, lifetime imprisonment, heavy fines and registration of the assaulter in sex offender registry of Virginia. Below are the following punishments of each sexual offense:

  1. Sexual Battery: One-year imprisonment with a fine of $2500 maximum
  2. Aggravated Sexual Battery: one- twenty years imprisonment and fine of a $100,000 maximum
  3. Sexual Battery When Infected: five-year imprisonment with a fine of $2500 maximum
  4. Attempted Sexual Battery: One to five years imprisonment with a fine of $2500 maximum
  5. Penalties for Repeat Offenders:
    1. For simple sexual battery: After two convictions (on third one) within ten years, One-year imprisonment with a fine of $2500 maximum
    2. For Aggravated Sexual battery: Maximum punishment said by the law

Sex Offender Registry in Virginia

A person charged with sexual offense or violent sexual offense is registered as a sex offender in the state’s registry. This registration brings many disadvantages, as the person’s personal and professional life is highly affected, and the government can even impose certain restrictions on a sex offender. The restrictions include but are not limited to; Offenders are not allowed to reside or stand near schools, public parks, child care or any such places. Even a minor act such as taking an illegal photograph of someone without their consent can get a person’s name in sex offender’s registry of the state. This list is open for public hence, worth more penalties.

How to Defend a Fake Sexual Accuse?

The accusation of sexual assault can be frustrating at time, as even if you accidentally brush against any or your colleague’s body you can be accused for a sexual abuse act. In order to understand sexual assault laws & punishments you need to hire an experienced attorney who has a rich experience in dealing with such cases in Virginia. In Virginia, these fake sexual battery acts are hard to defend therefore, it is important one should understand what sexual battery means. According to the 18.2-67.4 sexual battery is an act when a person touches anybody intentionally, uses force and threat or forces someone to touch intimate parts of someone or the accuser.

Sex Crimes Lawyer Virginia